Supporting individuals toward healthy and fulfilled lives.


  • In recovery from opioid use?
  • Seeking a community for relapse prevention?
  • On a medication-assisted treatment program?
  • In need of additional support during your recovery?


This group is designed specifically for those with a history of opioid use, including those involved with medication-assisted treatment. Participants will focus on relapse prevention, addressing cravings, managing high-risk situations, learning about medically supervised withdrawal, and building life skills while in recovery and medication-assisted treatment.

Treatment Components

This group is a safe space for participants to focus on several topics and skills surrounding living a value-driven life and building healthy relationships. Participants will learn more about the MAT/MOUD options for treatment, develop life skills, and work to develop a comprehensive relapse prevention plan.

Class Schedule

Class schedule varies by location. Please contact Customer Service for the most up-to-date class dates and times.

How to Start

Please contact Customer Service at 507.289.2089 for more information.