For many, working from home has become a new sense of normal. Although many offices have been closed for a few months now, finding what works best can still be a challenge. Distractions from family members, chores, televisions, and more can make days at home feel disorganized and at times, chaotic. These can all create a negative impact  on your mental wellbeing. To help maintain your overall mental health while working from home amongst life’s changes, we’re sharing our top three tips.

1. Create a Routine

A new school year is underway, and for some with children, virtual learning has affected regular day-to-day schedules. Working from home and juggling family life can be a challenge. One way to help you stay on schedule and effectively get through your day is to create a routine. A daily routine can create consistency, even when life seems to get chaotic. Setting aside specific amounts of time in your routine for work, family, and yourself can help fuel productivity and ensure you’re continuing to prioritize your wellbeing.

2. Break Up Your Day with Exercise

Working from home can also mean staring at a computer screen all day. Not only can this negatively impact your mental health, but it can affect your physical health, too. We recommend breaking your workday into sections. Allowing yourself time to stretch or exercise is a great way to regroup and destress. Try taking a walk around the neighborhood, practicing yoga, or interacting with family members. Incorporating bits of activity throughout your day can also help ease symptoms of anxiety and depression.

3. Talk it Out

As life continues to change, talking with coworkers about what’s working and what’s not can help reduce feelings of loneliness. Sharing tips can help you determine what works best for your lifestyle. The professionals at Zumbro Valley Health Center are here for you. Our services are available virtually and in-person for those seeking help during these times.  

We understand that with today’s events, caring for yourself and those around you can be hard. Our staff is here to help you with programs and resources that are unique to your needs. If you or someone you know is struggling with their mental health, please contact one of our professionals.