All over the world, there are individuals struggling with their mental health. However, instead of receiving the support to get the help they need, they often face adversity and discrimination. This is why we are joining the conversation this Mental Health Awareness Month about the importance of providing affordable mental health care for all people.

World Mental Health Day

Many of those who struggle with mental illness around the world are faced with a variety of human right violations. The stigma associated with it often leaves these individuals ostracized from their communities and society as a whole. They face discrimination in fields of education, the workplace, and even in their own homes. This makes asking for help even more difficult than it already is.

This injustice is recognized by the World Federation for Mental Health, which is why every year on October 10th, we get the opportunity to celebrate World Mental Health Day. The purpose of this international holiday is to bring awareness and drive positive change for the mental health of each and every person. This year, the theme of the day is “Mental Health is a Universal Right.” Selected from a global vote, the goal of this theme is to bring attention to the lack of access many populations have to their needed mental health care, and we are doing just that.

Universal Mental Health Needs

When we think of universal human rights, most of us think about the right to freedom, equality, education, and necessities such as food, clean water, safe living conditions, and so on. However, access to mental health care is almost never on the list. That needs to change. Everyone should have the right to receive mental health care, to choose what treatment they receive, and to be treated with respect and dignity throughout the entirety of the process.

Regardless of who you are or where you are from, everyone should have access to quality and affordable mental health care. Yet, for many people around the world, finding affordable mental health care is not a reality, and this is no different for many of us in America. According to the White House, 46% of adults in reported that their mental health care needs went unmet because they could not afford the costs of treatment. Therefore, they were unable to get the help the need to live the healthy, fulfilling lives they deserve.

Finding Affordable Mental Health Care

Here at Zumbro Valley Health Center, we believe that mental health care is a universal human right, which is why we are dedicated to providing access to all who seek it. We understand that finding mental health care can be difficult due to lack of insurance or difficulty navigating the public insurance system, and we are here to help.

This means that we will not deny anyone access to our health services due to the inability to pay. Rather, we are here to help you find solutions so you and your family can get the healthcare you deserve. Some of our financial resources include:

  • Sliding-Fee Scale: For the residents of Olmsted and Fillmore Counties, we offer a sliding-fee scale that reduces the cost of our services based on income level.
  • Insurance Options: We accept most major forms of insurance and specialize in state-covered insurance plans.
  • Alternative Resources: For further support, we have a team available to help connect you to additional resources within the community to ensure you get the care that you deserve.

It is time we start placing mental health on our list of universal rights and helping others to do the same. After all, there is no health without mental health. To learn more about our affordable mental health care options, discuss eligibility, alternative payment options, or securing other health insurance coverage, visit or call 507.289.2089. Happy World Mental Health Day from all your friends at Zumbro Valley Health Care.

If you’re experiencing a mental health crisis, call the crisis response line at 844.274.7472, text MN to 741741, or call 988 anytime.